- Kabul is a different city. 卡布尔也是一个很另类的城市。
- Kabul is a comfortable and homey place. 卡布尔也是一个很另类的城市。
- Controlled inflation is a different breed of cat from runaway inflation. 有控制的通货膨胀与抢劫控制的通货膨胀是两回事。
- C?te de Beaune Villages is a different appellation. 波恩山坡酒庄是另一个不同的等级。
- That is a different pair of shoes. 那是另外一件事。
- PCI hardware is a different story. PCI硬件是一个不同的故事。
- The GPLed Mined editor is a different animal. GPLed Mined编辑器是另一种不同的思路。
- The mesh is a different mesh - switch it. 这个网格已经变化-转换了。
- Fifty years later, Asia is a different place. 五十年后,亚洲将会面貌一新。
- Short-term use is a different story. 短期服用则是另一回事。
- It is a different story for English. 英文则不同。
- After 23 years of war Kabul is a devastated city; bullet marks and scenes of destruction are everywhere. 受战火蹂躏23年,喀布尔街头到处是颓垣败瓦,满布子弹痕迹,景况苍凉。
- The point is there is a difference between an interest and a skill. 这就是兴趣与技能是有区别的。
- Each section of the chart is a different color. 图表的每一栏都是一种不同的颜色。
- What you are talking about is a different issue. 你所说的是另外的事。
- It is a difference of opinion that makes horse race. 赛马之所以(能够)成立,是由于有不同的看法(意见)。
- This is a different car from the one I drove yesterday. 这辆车和我昨天开的那一辆不同。
- In this shipment, there is a difference of 50 tins. 这批货少了50箱。
- He is a different man from what he was 10 years ago. 他和十年前不一样。
- Locked away in a vault underneath the presidential palace in Kabul is a priceless treasure which is at the mercy of the American bombardment and the Taleban's spite and greed. 在喀布尔的总统府有一个带拱顶的地下室,里面锁着的东西堪称无价之宝。如今,美国的轰炸、塔利班的恶意和贪婪却使它们岌岌可危。